The team of the academic staff of the Pro-Facts project have organized the Information Day on the of Intensive Specialized Course “Climate and Green Finance Agenda in EU” on 6 March 2023, room A101.
The Intensive Specialized Course “Climate and Green Finance Agenda in EU” was introduced to bachelor students, master students attending the studies at the Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana and to students from other HEIs in Albania and professionals who do not automatically come into contact with EU studies and are interested in gaining multidisciplinary knowledge. The team presented the course module will address issues related to the impact of climate change and energy-related program and the main topics that the course will include such as: sustainable development, EU integration agenda on Climate Change, climate finance, “green” climate financial instruments, risks and opportunities caused by climate change in financial markets, sustainable financing in the EU and in Developing countries.
In addition, a brief presentation was provided on Pro-Facts project’s objectives and the relevance of The Climate Change, Energy Markets, and Financial Sustainability studies in Albania. Through this activity, potential students for the Intensive Specialized Course “Climate and Green Finance Agenda in EU” had the opportunity to get more specifications on the requirements for the course enrolment and also its aim and organization.