The Second Jean Monnet Module “Disaster Risk management in the framework of EU Integration” within the project “Promoting CCA and DRM in the framework of EU Integration” was completed successfully for the second semester of the 2022 academic year. The module offers students extensive knowledge in the field of Disaster Risk Management.The subject was conceived…

Simulation Exercise performed at the end of the Disaster Risk Management Jean Monnet Module
The final project in the Jean Monnet Module “Disaster Risk Management” was a simulation excercise performed using the WHO methodology. An introduction Emergency management simulation exercises have been proven to be an effective tool in supporting a wide range of preparedness planning objectives. Simulations offer the benefits of being able to practice the contingency plans,…
DREUCC Jean Monnet Module teaching Staff Presents on Building Resilience through Interdisciplinary Projects and Studies
In a significant step towards fostering resilience in the face of climate change, the DREUCC Jean Monnet Module staff on April 2022 participated in a conference with a presentation entitled “Building Resilience through Interdisciplinary Projects and Studies.” The event was organized by the “Project–arCc,” which stands for “assuming responsibility for Climate change.” This initiative aims…
Open Lecture in the framework of the Jean Monnet Module project “Promoting CCA and DRM in the framework of EU Integration” by Dr. Tanja Porja
In the framework of the Jean Monnet Module project “Promoting CCA and DRM in the framework of EU Integration” on Thursday, April 28, 2022, was organized the open lecture in the field of Disaster Risk Management by Dr. Tanja Porja. She is a lecturer at University of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Sciences.The guest lecturer Dr….
“Dokumentar për Klimën”, realizuar nga studentët e Master Shkencor “Menaxhim Risku”/ “A short clip about Climate”, prepared by the students of the Master of Sciences in “Risk Management”
Ky dokumentar është një punë origjinale e studentëve të vitit të dytë të Masterit Shkencor “Menaxhim Risku”, i realizuar në modulin Jean Monnet “Përshtatja ndaj Ndryshimeve Klimatike” i zhvilluar në kuadër të projektit Erasmus+, “Promoting Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in the framework of EU Integration”. Puna e bërë nga studentët në këtë…
Informative Seminar on “Climate Change and Education”
The Informative Seminar on “Climate Change and Education: The Role of Higher Education Institutions in Developing Sustainable Education Capacities” took place at the Aula Magna Hall, Liria Building, Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana. The seminar aimed to emphasize the vital role of higher education institutions in advancing sustainable education capacities and promoting climate action….

The Roundtable on Environmental Management, CCA, and DRM Strategies
The Roundtable on Environmental Management, Climate Change Adaptation (CCA), and Disaster Risk Management (DRM) Strategies, organized by the team behind the “Jean Monnet Module Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in the Framework of EU Integration,” organized on March 24, 2022, at the Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana. This event brought together experts,…

National Conference on Climate Change, DRM, and Financial Resilience Concludes with a Strong Call for Action
The National Conference on Climate Change, Disaster Risk Management, and Financial Resilience, organised by the Faculty of Economy at the University of Tirana, proved to be a essential event in advancing knowledge, policies, and practices in these critical fields within the framework of EU integration. The conference, which took place on 24 of March 2022,…
Balkanweb Spotlights Jean Monnet Module Project “CCA and DRM in the framework of EU integration” Impact on Higher Education in Albania
Balkanweb, a national news platform in Albania, has taken on the role of disseminating the impact of the Jean Monnet Module project “Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in the framework of EU integration” within the higher education system. This initiative, plays a critical role in equipping students with vital knowledge and skills essential…
Our Module Leader Dr. Elona Pojani is part of the Interinstitutional Group for drafting the National Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy of Albania
As of February 2022, our module leader Dr. Elona Pojani, is part of the Interinstitutional Group for drafting the National Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy of Albania. In the framework of drafting the National Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction, the decision of the authority of the Prime Minister no. 57 dated 29.06.2021, has defined the representatives…