Climate change is one of the most pressing challenges of our generation. Climate change will trigger disasters and their consequences are expected to be much more serious. The less developed communities are the ones who bear most of the costs of the changing climate.
Education system is much affected by these challenges. Climate change affects both demand and supply side of education. Disasters induced by climate change can damage or destroy school facilities and educational systems, threatening the physical safety and psychological well-being of students and teachers. Migration of population due to climate threats, also causes the interruption of education supply. Furthermore, the economic impacts of disasters reduce school enrolment, as children are forced to leave school to help their families cope with disaster consequences.
Despite being threatened by climate change, the education sector offers many adaptive capacities. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are the place where tomorrow’s leaders are trained. Therefore, they have the chance to guide the action toward sustainability and climate change adaptation. Education system can affect climate change action by improving climate change literacy, addressing teaching and learning methodologies that foster a problem solving and critical thinking approach, and by making university services more sustainable and greener.
Therefore, actions involving contribution of education to climate change, raise the adaptive capacities of the country. This Project was initiated based on this motivation and argument.