The project “Promoting knowledge on EU policy in fiscal administration, climate, and energy topics – ProFACTS” officialy started on October 1, 2022. Members of the working group Etleva Bajrami, Elona Pojani, Perseta Grabova and Matilda Tola gathered on October 7, 2022 at the opening meeting of the project. The project coordinator gave an overview of…
Category: Uncategorized
Second Jean Monnet Module “Disaster risk management in the framework of EU Integration” completed successfully
The Second Jean Monnet Module “Disaster Risk management in the framework of EU Integration” within the project “Promoting CCA and DRM in the framework of EU Integration” was completed successfully for the second semester of the 2022 academic year. The module offers students extensive knowledge in the field of Disaster Risk Management.The subject was conceived…
Open Lecture in the framework of the Jean Monnet Module project “Promoting CCA and DRM in the framework of EU Integration” by Dr. Tanja Porja
In the framework of the Jean Monnet Module project “Promoting CCA and DRM in the framework of EU Integration” on Thursday, April 28, 2022, was organized the open lecture in the field of Disaster Risk Management by Dr. Tanja Porja. She is a lecturer at University of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Sciences.The guest lecturer Dr….
Our Module Leader Dr. Elona Pojani is part of the Interinstitutional Group for drafting the National Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy of Albania
As of February 2022, our module leader Dr. Elona Pojani, is part of the Interinstitutional Group for drafting the National Disaster Risk Reduction Strategy of Albania. In the framework of drafting the National Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction, the decision of the authority of the Prime Minister no. 57 dated 29.06.2021, has defined the representatives…
The Jean Monnet Module “Climate Change Adaptation” started its development in the academic year 2021-2022
As of November 2021, the Jean Monnet Module “Climate Change Adaptation” has started its implementation for the second year in a row. The class is offered within the Jean Monnet Project “Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation in the Framework of EU Integration”. The course was selected by 30 students, who are attending the…
Participation in a networking event entitled “Night of Researchers” in the framework of “SMART ADRIA Blue Growth”, supported by the INTERREG IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Program
The “Night of Researchers” event was organised by the Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Albania and the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs under the inter-territorial project “SMART ADRIA Blue Growth”, supported by the INTERREG IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Program, co-financed by EU funds, implemented by Italian, Montenegrin, and Albanian partners.The aim of…
Participation of the Jean Monnet Staff at the International Autumn School “Climate Policy and Energy System Transformation: New Opportunities and Challenges of the Consideration of Co-Benefits”
On September 13-17, 2021, the DREUCC Jean Module staff (Perseta Grabova and Elona Pojani) participated on the International Autumn School on “Climate Policy and Energy System Transformation: New Opportunities and Challenges of the Consideration of Co-Benefits” organized by the Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg and Forschungszentrum Jülich.The aim of participation in this international event was to…
Open Lecture “Innovation as an Alternative to Natural Disaster Management – Best Practices from EU and Beyond” presented at the Faculty of Economy
In the framework of DREUCC project, University of Tirana has extended the collaboration with another National Agency dealing with Disaster Resilience and policy implementation. The National Territorial Planning Agency in Albania from 2016- 2020 was a partner in BRIGAID (Bridging the Gap for Innovations in Disaster Resilience) project, part of the Horizon 2020 program of…
The second Jean Monnet ‘Disaster Risk Management” completed successfully
The second Jean Monnet Module “Disaster Risk Management” within the project “Promoting CCA and DRM in the framework of EU Integration” was completed successfully after 15 intensive weeks. The module offers students extensive knowledge in the field of preparedness, response and management of Disasters, as well as offers a thorough review on financial strategies for…
First Jean Monnet Module “Climate Change Adaptation” completed successfully
The first Jean Monnet Module “Climate Change Adaptation” within the project “Promoting CCA and DRM in the framework of EU Integration” was completed successfully after 15 intensive weeks. The module offers students extensive knowledge in the field of Climate Change Adaptation, including important topics, such as: Human Face of Climate Change, Climate Change Economics, Climate…