The roundtable entitled “Integrating EU Policies and Strategies in Energy and Climate Agenda of Albania” was organized at the premises of the Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana (FEUT) within the Jean Monnet Module “Promoting knowledge on EU policy in fiscal administration, climate, and energy topics” The event addressed the interconnection of climate change mitigation…
Category: News

Certification Ceremony Marks Successful Completion of the Short Intensive Course on “Climate and Green Finance Agenda in EU” Part of the Jean Monnet Module PRO-FACTS
Celebrating of knowledge and collaboration, the Jean Monnet Module Pro-Facts at the University of Tirana concluded its short intensive course on Climate and Green Finance Agenda in EU. The certification ceremony, brought together students, faculty, and other guests to recognize the achievements of participants. The Pro-Facts Jean Monnet Module The Pro-Facts Jean Monnet Module, aimed…

Certification ceremony 2023
In an advancement toward reducing climate change and fostering sustainable financial practices, Albanian students have recently earned certification from the Intensive Specialized Course titled “Climate and Green Finance Agenda in EU.” This course is designed to equip young generation with the knowledge and tools needed to address environmental challenges, marking the qualification of the first…
Jean Monnet Synergy: The module leader Elona Pojani Bridges Climate Change and Human Rights in Summer School Collaboration
Faculty of History and Philology at University of Tirana Hosts the Open Lecture on Climate Change and Sustainability The Module Leader of Climate Changa Adaptation, Elona Pojani of the Jean Monnet Project “Promoting Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation in the Framework of EU Integration,” recently participated in a summer school organized by the…
Meeting with the National Agency of Civil Emergecies
In support of the activities of 3 projects in the field of education on sustainable development, which are being implemented at the Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana, namely the “Promoting Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in the framework of EU Integration” project, the “Promoting knowledge on EU policy in Fiscal Administration, Climate,…
Museum of the Bank of Albania Celebrates International Museum Day with a Day of Education and Exploration
On the International Museum Day on May 18th, the Museum of the Bank of Albania welcomed approximately 600 visitors for a day filled with educational activities and exploration. Opening its doors from 9:00 AM to 8:00 PM, the museum provided the public with the opportunity to search into its permanent and extensive numismatic collection, dedicated…
Participation of the Jean Monnet Module staff members at the National Conference “University – Business cooperation, one of the pillars of the modernization of higher education and scientific research”
The staff members of the Jean Monnet Module “Promoting CCA and DRM in the framework of EU Integration” participated on the 4th of April 2023 in the National Conference organized by the Ministry of Education and Sports in Albanian (MESA) and the National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation (NASRI) entitled “University – Business cooperation,…

Within the Jean Monnet module, a specialized lecture is held on the topic: “Developments of the climate and energy sector in Albania and the EU”
In the framework of Jean Monnet module a specialized Lecture on the topic: “Climate and Energy Sector Developments in Albania and EU” was organized by project team. The lecture was organized at the Faculty of Economics, UT, premises on January 27th 2023; and it was attended by the students of Master of Science in Risk…
Jean Monnet Module on DRM and CCA Presented at Erasmus+ National Info Day”
The Erasmus+ National Info Day held on December 21, 2022, featured a presentation on the Jean Monnet Module, “Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) in the Framework of EU Integration.” The project aim is at developing 2 Jean Monnet modules, at the Faculty of Economics (FE), University of Tirana (UT), respectively Disaster…
Project Promoting Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in the framework of EU Integration (2020-2023) Spotlighted in The Fourth National Communication of Albania on Climate Change report
The project titled “Promoting Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in the framework of EU Integration (2020-2023)” has taken attention in Albania’s Fourth National Communication on Climate Change. This recognition underscores the project’s pivotal role in shaping Albania’s response to climate challenges. This project is making significant contributions to sustainable education. It improves climate…