Happy EARTH DAY y’all! Here Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana we wish to share with you our efforts to help out planet become better for future generations; by raising awareness and empowering future leaders for a better tomorrow. Topics like Climate Change, Green Finance and Energy transition are now part of our curricula and…
Author: admin
Participation of the Jean Monnet Module staff members at the National Conference “University – Business cooperation, one of the pillars of the modernization of higher education and scientific research”
The staff members of the Jean Monnet Module “Promoting CCA and DRM in the framework of EU Integration” participated on the 4th of April 2023 in the National Conference organized by the Ministry of Education and Sports in Albanian (MESA) and the National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation (NASRI) entitled “University – Business cooperation,…
Info Day organized in the framework of Pro-Facts Project
The team of the academic staff of the Pro-Facts project have organized the Information Day on the of Intensive Specialized Course “Climate and Green Finance Agenda in EU” on 6 March 2023, room A101.The Intensive Specialized Course “Climate and Green Finance Agenda in EU” was introduced to bachelor students, master students attending the studies at…

Within the Jean Monnet module, a specialized lecture is held on the topic: “Developments of the climate and energy sector in Albania and the EU”
In the framework of Jean Monnet module a specialized Lecture on the topic: “Climate and Energy Sector Developments in Albania and EU” was organized by project team. The lecture was organized at the Faculty of Economics, UT, premises on January 27th 2023; and it was attended by the students of Master of Science in Risk…
Jean Monnet Module on DRM and CCA Presented at Erasmus+ National Info Day”
The Erasmus+ National Info Day held on December 21, 2022, featured a presentation on the Jean Monnet Module, “Disaster Risk Management (DRM) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) in the Framework of EU Integration.” The project aim is at developing 2 Jean Monnet modules, at the Faculty of Economics (FE), University of Tirana (UT), respectively Disaster…
Student activities in the framework of Jean Monnet Module “Pro-Facts”
On December 9th, students of Jean Monnet Module “Energy Markets” attended the presentation of “Barriers And Opportunities To The Diffusion Of Photovoltaics And Energy Efficient LED’s In Albania”- organized by GIZ, and conducted by a group of Science Majors from USA. This was an amazing opportunity to see this initiative in action; to develop a…
Project Promoting Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in the framework of EU Integration (2020-2023) Spotlighted in The Fourth National Communication of Albania on Climate Change report
The project titled “Promoting Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management in the framework of EU Integration (2020-2023)” has taken attention in Albania’s Fourth National Communication on Climate Change. This recognition underscores the project’s pivotal role in shaping Albania’s response to climate challenges. This project is making significant contributions to sustainable education. It improves climate…

Participation in the Renewables Energy fair “Renewable Energy Strategies in Albania, in the framework of Jean Monnet Project “PRO FACTS”
In the framework of Jean Monnet Project “PRO FACTS”, the project team and students of the module “Energy Markets” visited the Renewables Energy fair “Renewable Energy Strategies in Albania”; organized by the EU project INTERREG IPA CBC “Renewable Energy for the Optimization of Resources in Industrial Areas”, in Tirana in November 11-12th 2022. The scope…
Participation in the 2022 edition of Climathon Tirana
From 25 to 27 October 2022, four of the current students and one alumni from the Master of Science in Risk Management, Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana, participated in the first edition of Tirana-Climathon 2022, trying to offer a solution for environmental and urban challenges that Tirana faces. Their group, named “The Climate Sailors”…
Kick off Meeting – Pro-FACTS
The project “Promoting knowledge on EU policy in fiscal administration, climate, and energy topics – ProFACTS” officialy started on October 1, 2022. Members of the working group Etleva Bajrami, Elona Pojani, Perseta Grabova and Matilda Tola gathered on October 7, 2022 at the opening meeting of the project. The project coordinator gave an overview of…