In the framework of the Jean Monnet Module project “Promoting CCA and DRM in the framework of EU Integration” on Thursday, April 28, 2022, was organized the open lecture in the field of Disaster Risk Management by Dr. Tanja Porja. She is a lecturer at University of Tirana, Faculty of Natural Sciences.
The guest lecturer Dr. Tanja Porja addressed the topic entitled “Global Warming, Climate Change and Natural Disasters – The Case of the EU and Albania”. One of the objectives of the lecture was to present to the students the scenario simulation techniques with a focus on heat waves in EU. The lecturer focused on the heat waves and some recent statistics regarding the intensity, duration, and frequency of heatwaves and floods in EU and Albania. The knowledge shared by the guest lecturer included helpful information for the students in performing the assignment “Risk Assessment of Tirana” in the subject of Disaster Risk Management in the framework of EU integration. The open lecture presentation can be accessed under the following link: