The “Night of Researchers” event was organised by the Union of Chambers of Commerce and Industry in Albania and the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs under the inter-territorial project “SMART ADRIA Blue Growth”, supported by the INTERREG IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Program, co-financed by EU funds, implemented by Italian, Montenegrin, and Albanian partners.
The aim of this activity was to discuss research and academic projects related to the blue economy, regional cooperation and sustainable development. The event brought together representatives of state institutions, academia, business, and other stakeholders to promote joint initiatives between public and private sector actors, at national and regional level with a special focus on the Development of the Blue Economy.
The DREUCC team presented good practices and projects undertaken from University of Tirana in building up interdisciplinary studies, academic and research project that mainstream resilience and sustainable development into University Curricula.
This joint event of scholars from across institutions, working on the common theme of sustainable development, contributed in creating a network that will lead to deeper collaboration and longer-term research projects and publications in the future.
More details about this multiplier event and the content of DREUCC team presentation can be found here.