The Second Edition of CLIMATHON Albania, held on the 26-29 October 2023, provided us with the opportunity to showcase the work in the field of Climate and Sustainability by four talented master’s students from the Risk Management program at FEUT, namely Ermelinda Çifliku, Adesa Ramohitaj, Sulejman Hasko, and Irisa Cuka.
These students collaborated closely with two bachelor’s students from the Informatics-Economics program, Arjola Çela and Bejana Spaho, as well as professors from the Department of Finance and Department of Applied Statistics and Informatics, earning them a place among the top ideas presented at CLIMATHON Albania. In a revolutionary step regarding CO2 emissions and food production, they addressed a crucial issue using their knowledge acquired in their Master Program in Risk Management. The team’s proposed solution involves creating a simple application for calculating the carbon footprint of restaurants. The application promotes awareness of the environmental effects of various restaurants by adopting an approach based on food consumption patterns.
To the participating students, we express our deep gratitude for their dedication, imagination, and courage in addressing one of the major challenges facing humanity today. The achievements are evidence that education and collaboration at FEUT are of high standards, in line with international and national priorities.
Congratulations to all talented students for this success.