In the framework of Jean Monnet Project “PRO FACTS”, the project team and students of the module “Energy Markets” visited the Renewables Energy fair “Renewable Energy Strategies in Albania”; organized by the EU project INTERREG IPA CBC “Renewable Energy for the Optimization of Resources in Industrial Areas”, in Tirana in November 11-12th 2022.
The scope of the visit, was to introduce the students of Master of Science in Risk Management to the new opportunities that are rising and being developed to help the transition from fossil to renewable alternatives. We visited and discussed with several companies that develop photovoltaics for households and were presented with technical aspects that are important in investing in this kind of technology like: technical performance; innovative solar cell electric output, feasibility for households etc. Another important aspect explored was improving energy efficiency in new and existing constructions, like thermoisolation, new materials that are developed and UV films for glass construction. There was also a model to calculate electricity savings and the payback period. For example the payback for UV films was approximately 2 years.
We also, were acquainted with several actors in supporting this initiative, like Albanian Development Fund, Albanian Transmission System Operator, and also the 3D print of project developed by the Politechnical University of Tirana, in creating a selfsupporting renewable system for the electricity supply of the main building of the university. Finally, there was a presentation by Financial Institutions like Credins BANK, NOA, etc. that support renewable energy development and its expansion.
The need to adopt this practices in the framework of energy and climate action in EU and Albania was thoroughly addressed.
This was a fun and innovative experience bringing theory and practice together; inspiring new ideas, research opportunities and future cooperation with the market.