On September 13-17, 2021, the DREUCC Jean Module staff (Perseta Grabova and Elona Pojani) participated on the International Autumn School on “Climate Policy and Energy System Transformation: New Opportunities and Challenges of the Consideration of Co-Benefits” organized by the Technische Universität Bergakademie Freiberg and Forschungszentrum Jülich.
The aim of participation in this international event was to exchange ideas on how to foster policies inducing energy system transformations and to discuss the range of their different effects. Participant in this international were scientists from different disciplines who discussed and investigated the co-effects, that climate policies generate additionally to the primarily intended climate protection effects. Participants of the Autumn School had the opportunity to present their research and projects in a poster session and exhibition.
The Jean Monnet team from DREUCC project presented the project “CA and DRM in the framework of EU Integration” and also two research papers entitled: Disaster Risk Management and Climate Change Adaptation: New Challenges for the Education System in Albania and the Balkans” and “Implementing and Costing Adaptation Measures in a Coastal Protected Area”. All the participants were acquainted with knowledge on the complexity faced by policymakers and researchers concerned with climate policy. This networking event was a great occasion to present not only our research work but also to exchange experiences, and create new collaborations and partnerships.
More details about this international event can be found here.

for the Education System in Albania and the Balkans

in Albania