In the framework of DREUCC project, University of Tirana has extended the collaboration with another National Agency dealing with Disaster Resilience and policy implementation. The National Territorial Planning Agency in Albania from 2016- 2020 was a partner in BRIGAID (Bridging the Gap for Innovations in Disaster Resilience) project, part of the Horizon 2020 program of the European Commission, with lead partner Technische Universiteit Delft.
Due to the common field, the National Territorial Planning Agency team and the DREUCC Jean Monnet module team organized one open Lecture entitled “Innovation as an Alternative to Natural Disaster Management – Best Practices from EU and Beyond” on the 28of June 2021.
The lecture was moderated by Professor Elona Pojani – Faculty of Economics, University of Tirana and Perseta Grabova – Module Leader of the Disaster Risk Management in the Framework of EU Integration. Meanwhile the open lecture was delivered by Ms. Nensi Lalaj Director of Research and Project in the National Territorial Planning Agency, Albania.
Ms. Lalaj presented to the students of Master of Science in Risk Management, Master of Science in Finance and Master of Professional in Finance the aim of BRIGAID which is to effectively bridge the gap between innovators and end-users in resilience to floods, droughts and extreme weather. Through BRIGIAD project many innovators were transformed into entrepreneurs, and were connected with the end-users and technical experts, to deliver adaptation innovations that will improve European and Albanian climate resilience. Moreover, Ms Lalaj showed to the students some the innovative projects that were developed by Albanian innovators but also by other EU partner countries of the project. She emphasized that the Innovation Window developed through this project is a marketplace where researchers and entrepreneurs can show their innovations. The students were encouraged to creatively develop and design their own innovative ideas in order to became in the future entrepreneurs that can develop and spread novel climate resilience solutions for Albania as well as EU. The open lecture presentation can be accessed using the following link.