On 28 June 2021, the Jean Monnet Module Project Team organized the open lecture titled “Civil Protection System in Albania and the EU”. The invited guest lecture was Mr. Robert Hysenllari, Director of Emergency Response Preparedness and Coordination, National Civil Protection Agency.
The event was very successfully based on student’s feedback and their intensive participation during the Q&A session. The open lecture was attended by students of the Master of Science in Risk Management, Master of Science in Finance, Professional Master in Finance and Bachelor students.
Mr. Hysenllari presented some of the key aspects of the civil protection system in Albania, the process of drafting the legislation and the national strategies in the field of civil protection in Albania and the connection of the Albanian the civil protection systems with the EU systems. In addition, Mr. Hysenllari discussed the structure and functions of the National Civil Protection Agency, introduced the institutions at national and local level that are responsible for civil protection in Albania and the instruments used in the disaster risk management cycle in Albania. Mr. Hysenllari emphasized that the new law 45/2019, “On civil protection” is drafted and based on best European and world practices, in full compliance with EU directives on natural disasters, “Sendai Framework” (as a from the most important UN documents on disaster risk reduction) and the “Paris Agreement on Climate Change”. Finally, Mr. Hysenllari presented the continuous progress in fulfilling international agreements requirements and in achieving the membership in the European Civil Protection Mechanism, as a very important element in Albania’s membership in the EU.
We would like to thank Mr. Hysenllari for his time and insights. The open lecture presentation can be accessed using the following link.